Tree Care in Millbrae

To ensure the health and positive growth of your trees, you can partner with a company that provides range of tree care and pruning services in Millbrae, CA. IMPERIAL TREE REMOVAL SERVICE provides you and your trees with virtually all the services you need for growth and health. And while it’s time to take them out, you know you can count on us to cut down the trees and stumps. We have all the equipment needed for the job. Our registration services include a site-specific risk assessment by qualified personnel. This will determine the fastest and safest way to remove the tree. When security is a concern, we act quickly and efficiently to minimize disruption to local communities and businesses. The tree is then felled using appropriate equipment operated by qualified personnel.

Gardener trimming green bush with trimmer machine

Tree felling: the necessary equipment

For tree logging, you have the choice between a hand chainsaw and a harvester.

 The chainsaw in hand: If you choose this option, make sure you have a chainsaw that is perfectly suited for the job. The advantage of the chainsaw is that it allows easy cutting.

 The harvester: a heavy motorized machine that can fell a tree in just 1 minute! The only cons to this solution is its price, prefer the rental, but once again, handling this kind of tool is not recommended, especially when you do not know the material. 

 Calling in a professional for the felling work is the safest solution to avoid any risk of accident.  

Mandatory protections for safety

What protections to protect yourself? 

Anyone planning to cut down trees must wear personal protective equipment (PPE): 

  • A coverall and cut-resistant gloves,
  • A harness if some people climb the tree,
  • A helmet, with glasses and earplugs.

Environmental Protection

Apart from the people to be protected when a tree is felled, the environment is also to be taken into account. On the ground and in the air, certain measures are not to be taken lightly. On the ground, it is essential to clear the space where the tree is supposed to fall. In addition, one must be extremely vigilant with the electric and telephone lines and turn off the power. 

Felling trees: the steps to follow

First and foremost, the slaughter period must be chosen with care. There are indeed good times for this type of gardening work. A day in the winter, in the absence of wind and rain is perfectly suited. Indeed, the absence of leaves facilitates delimbing and allows better visibility. In addition, it is necessary to plan the direction of the cut as well as the place where the tree is supposed to fall. A professional will help you clarify these different aspects. 

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